Nama : Rani Permatasari
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
A. 5 Verb : Write : Menulis Come : Datang
Imagine : Menggambar
Sing : Menyanyi
Enough : Cukup
B. NOUN : Condition : Kondisi
Service : Melayani
C. 5 ADJECTIVE : Young : Muda Unbelievable : Tidak percaya
Difficult : Sulit
Disabilities : Gangguan
Frustrations : Frustasi
D. ADVERB : Absolutely : Pasti
Actually : Kenyataannya
Funny : Lucu
Senin, 02 Januari 2017
Nama : Rani Permatasari
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
1. I would always try to negoziated my salary at job interview.
Yes, because I want to get the salary that what I deserve. If my job is difficult and need a requirements so I will negoziaty about my salary to the company.
2. At an interview. I would try to show why i diserve the job and what i could do for the company.
Yes, I will try to show to the company why I deserve about that job, like I will do everything to the company and already to hard working no matter how hard is.
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
1. I would always try to negoziated my salary at job interview.
Yes, because I want to get the salary that what I deserve. If my job is difficult and need a requirements so I will negoziaty about my salary to the company.
2. At an interview. I would try to show why i diserve the job and what i could do for the company.
Yes, I will try to show to the company why I deserve about that job, like I will do everything to the company and already to hard working no matter how hard is.
Nama : Rani Permata Sari
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
Q : Selamat pagi, silahkan duduk .
: Good morning, if you don’t mind sit down
A : Selamat pagi juga bu
: Good morning too miss
Q : Saya Ajeng, kepala divisi sumber daya manusia dari perusahaan ini.
: I’am Ajeng, the head of human asset division in this company
A : Senang bertemu dengan anda bu
: Nice to meet you miss
Q : Apakah kamu siap untuk wawancara hari ini ?
: Are you prepared for the prospective employee meet-up ?
A : Iya, saya siap bu
: Yes , I’am prepared miss
Q : Silahkan kamu memperkenalkan diri
: Please you, introduce yourself
A : Saya Rani, saya tinggal di jakarta selatan, saya lulusan dari Universitas Gunadarma jurusan akuntansi.
: I’am Rani, i live at south jakarta city, i graduateed from Gunadarma University, majors of accounting.
Q : Iya, bagaimana kamu tau tentang lowongan kerja di perusahaan ini ? dan apa yang membuat kamu tertarik untuk melamar sebagai manajer keuangan di perusahaan ini ?
: Yes, how would you think about occuptition oppurtunity in this company ? and, whats make you intrigued to apply as the financial manager in this company?
A : Saya membaca iklan di koran “ The post” edisi hari minggu. Alasan saya tertarik untuk melamar sebagai manajer keuangan, karena saya rasa saya memiliki kemampuan untuk berasa diposisi itu.
: I read ad on Newspaper the post , Sunday release. The reason i intrigued to apply as the finance manager in light of the fact that i feel, i’am able to be in that position.
Q : Apakah kamu memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer, dan aplikasi perangkat lunak akuntansi ?
: Do you have the skills to operate a coumputer , and accounting software ?
A : Iya saya bisa mengoperasikan komputer seperti Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint , dan internet. Dan saya bisa mengoperasikan aplikasi Zahir,DEA, dan MYOB.
: Yes, i can to operate computer likeMs. Word , Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint,and internet. And i can to operate accounting software like Zahir, DEA , and MYOB.
Q : Bagus sekali, jadi apa kelebihan yang kamu miliki ?
: Very good, anyway what is your advantages point ?
A : Kelebihan saya adalah mempunyai semangat dan rasa tanggung jawab dalam mengerjakan sesuatu , saya juga senang untuk mempelajari hal baru.
: My advantages are my soul and my obligation in doing something , i additionally like to learn new things.
Q : Lalu apa kekurangan yang kamu miliki ?
: Then, what is your shortcoming point ?
A : Kekurangan saya adalah saya sering bekerja sampai larut malam sampai lupa dengan kesehatan saya sendiri.
: My shortcoming point is I often do my job till midnight , and i forget about my healh and myself .
Q : Baiklah sangat menyenangkan mewawancarai kamu. Saya rasa kamu adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Terimakasih Rani.
: Well it was an extraordinary time to have a interview with you. I though you are an extraordinary possibality to top off the position. Thankyou Rani
A : Sama-sama bu
: You’re welcome miss
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
Q : Selamat pagi, silahkan duduk .
: Good morning, if you don’t mind sit down
A : Selamat pagi juga bu
: Good morning too miss
Q : Saya Ajeng, kepala divisi sumber daya manusia dari perusahaan ini.
: I’am Ajeng, the head of human asset division in this company
A : Senang bertemu dengan anda bu
: Nice to meet you miss
Q : Apakah kamu siap untuk wawancara hari ini ?
: Are you prepared for the prospective employee meet-up ?
A : Iya, saya siap bu
: Yes , I’am prepared miss
Q : Silahkan kamu memperkenalkan diri
: Please you, introduce yourself
A : Saya Rani, saya tinggal di jakarta selatan, saya lulusan dari Universitas Gunadarma jurusan akuntansi.
: I’am Rani, i live at south jakarta city, i graduateed from Gunadarma University, majors of accounting.
Q : Iya, bagaimana kamu tau tentang lowongan kerja di perusahaan ini ? dan apa yang membuat kamu tertarik untuk melamar sebagai manajer keuangan di perusahaan ini ?
: Yes, how would you think about occuptition oppurtunity in this company ? and, whats make you intrigued to apply as the financial manager in this company?
A : Saya membaca iklan di koran “ The post” edisi hari minggu. Alasan saya tertarik untuk melamar sebagai manajer keuangan, karena saya rasa saya memiliki kemampuan untuk berasa diposisi itu.
: I read ad on Newspaper the post , Sunday release. The reason i intrigued to apply as the finance manager in light of the fact that i feel, i’am able to be in that position.
Q : Apakah kamu memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer, dan aplikasi perangkat lunak akuntansi ?
: Do you have the skills to operate a coumputer , and accounting software ?
A : Iya saya bisa mengoperasikan komputer seperti Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint , dan internet. Dan saya bisa mengoperasikan aplikasi Zahir,DEA, dan MYOB.
: Yes, i can to operate computer likeMs. Word , Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint,and internet. And i can to operate accounting software like Zahir, DEA , and MYOB.
Q : Bagus sekali, jadi apa kelebihan yang kamu miliki ?
: Very good, anyway what is your advantages point ?
A : Kelebihan saya adalah mempunyai semangat dan rasa tanggung jawab dalam mengerjakan sesuatu , saya juga senang untuk mempelajari hal baru.
: My advantages are my soul and my obligation in doing something , i additionally like to learn new things.
Q : Lalu apa kekurangan yang kamu miliki ?
: Then, what is your shortcoming point ?
A : Kekurangan saya adalah saya sering bekerja sampai larut malam sampai lupa dengan kesehatan saya sendiri.
: My shortcoming point is I often do my job till midnight , and i forget about my healh and myself .
Q : Baiklah sangat menyenangkan mewawancarai kamu. Saya rasa kamu adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mengisi posisi tersebut. Terimakasih Rani.
: Well it was an extraordinary time to have a interview with you. I though you are an extraordinary possibality to top off the position. Thankyou Rani
A : Sama-sama bu
: You’re welcome miss
Minggu, 01 Januari 2017
Nama : Rani Permata Sari
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
• EXERCISE 5-Oral (Books Closed) : Ask polite question in the following situations. Use any appropriate modal (may, couls, would, etc.) or polite imperative. (Number 15-20)
15. Your guests have arrived. You want them to sit down.
Answer : A : Hai Risa’s , may you (Please) sit down
B : Yes, of course
16. You’re walking down the hall of the classroom building. You need to know what time it is. You ask a student you’ve never met.
Answer : A : Excuse me sir, may i ask what time is it now ?
B : Yes, now at 09:00 a.m
17. You’re in the middle of the city. You’re lost. You’re trying to find the bus station. You stop someone on the street to ask for directions.
Answer : A: Sorry sir, may i ask where is the bus station ? because i don’t know where i am
B: Certainly, you go to the south.
18. You call the airport. You want to know what time flight 62 arrives.
Answer : A: Hallo, could i ask when the flight 62 arrives ?
B: Yes, take off in 10 minutes again.
19. You’re in a departement store. You find a sweater that you like, but you can’t find the price tag. You ask the clerk to tell you how much it costs.
Answer : A: Excuse me sir, can i know the price of this sweater ?
B: Yes, the price is a $ 250,000
20. It’s your first day on campus. Your’re supposed to be at the library for a meeting, but you can’t find the library. You ask for information from another student you meet on the sidewalk.
Answer ; A: Could you tell where the library ?
B: Yes, the library is located on the 5th floor.
• EXERCISE 11 – Oral (Books Closed) : Give advice in the following situations by using should, ought to, or had better. (Number 7-11)
7. You should check it
8. Yes, had better
9. You should study hard
10. You had better get to sleep
11. You should return the book in library
Npm : 28214921
Kelas : 3EB20
• EXERCISE 5-Oral (Books Closed) : Ask polite question in the following situations. Use any appropriate modal (may, couls, would, etc.) or polite imperative. (Number 15-20)
15. Your guests have arrived. You want them to sit down.
Answer : A : Hai Risa’s , may you (Please) sit down
B : Yes, of course
16. You’re walking down the hall of the classroom building. You need to know what time it is. You ask a student you’ve never met.
Answer : A : Excuse me sir, may i ask what time is it now ?
B : Yes, now at 09:00 a.m
17. You’re in the middle of the city. You’re lost. You’re trying to find the bus station. You stop someone on the street to ask for directions.
Answer : A: Sorry sir, may i ask where is the bus station ? because i don’t know where i am
B: Certainly, you go to the south.
18. You call the airport. You want to know what time flight 62 arrives.
Answer : A: Hallo, could i ask when the flight 62 arrives ?
B: Yes, take off in 10 minutes again.
19. You’re in a departement store. You find a sweater that you like, but you can’t find the price tag. You ask the clerk to tell you how much it costs.
Answer : A: Excuse me sir, can i know the price of this sweater ?
B: Yes, the price is a $ 250,000
20. It’s your first day on campus. Your’re supposed to be at the library for a meeting, but you can’t find the library. You ask for information from another student you meet on the sidewalk.
Answer ; A: Could you tell where the library ?
B: Yes, the library is located on the 5th floor.
• EXERCISE 11 – Oral (Books Closed) : Give advice in the following situations by using should, ought to, or had better. (Number 7-11)
7. You should check it
8. Yes, had better
9. You should study hard
10. You had better get to sleep
11. You should return the book in library
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